Oregon State Fire Marshal (OSFM) task forces completed surface preparation work and moved into full preparations on structures, expanding upon earlier work to improve defensible space. Preparation techniques rely on time, resources, and fire conditions. Adequate resources ensured the quick and effective completion of surface preparations, allowing crews to transition to detailed prep work today. Their hard work and efficiency are allowing us to demobilize two task forces today. The task forces from Lane and Deschutes counties will be returning to their home agencies. We would like to thank them for their dedication and commitment to protecting structures and serving the affected communities. OSFM will continue to be engaged to evaluate the risk to the community and the needs of the fire service while the Lookout Fire is on the landscape.
The fire continues to stay north of Forest Road 700. The successful work of firefighters conducting strategic firing operations is protecting the community of Mckenzie Bridge, including Taylor Road and North Bank. The fire continues to be most active in the northeast, where a spot fire burned and spread across the 1506 road in Budworm Creek. To date, no structures have burned because of the Lookout Fire.
In the northeast, crews started preparing Deer Creek Road to use as a control line. Firefighters will continue to hold the fire north of 700 Road by extinguishing hot spots. In the west and northwest, a line is being built and secured by digging handline and using heavy machinery to connect primary control lines. Crews are connecting 2633 Road to 725 Spur Road to prevent the fire spread to the west. Strategic firing operations may be used in the east if conditions allow.
Dayshift crews also completed preparations on the Belknap Bridge yesterday afternoon. Protection of this historical landmark included the installation of a stand-alone sprinkler system fed by a mobile water reservoir and portable pump. Nightshift crews completed tactical patrols and were positioned for structural protection.
Today, task forces continue to ensure thorough structural preparation work is completed using a combination of techniques to reduce receptive fuels and vegetation around buildings. Crews will complete tactical patrols and assist wildland resources as needed.
Evacuation Centers: There is an evacuation center for people and small pets at Lowell High School for evacuees from the Bedrock and Lookout fires. A large animal shelter is set up at the Lane County Fairgrounds in Eugene.
Evacuations: In Lane County, there is a Level 3 (GO NOW) evacuation notice for Taylor Road, North Bank Road, All areas north of Highway 126 between Blue River Reservoir Road and Drury Lane, Mona Campground, Lookout Campground, and HJ Andrews Experimental Forest headquarters. There is a Level 1 (Be Ready) evacuation notice for areas south of Highway 126 from Blue River Reservoir Road east to Foley Ridge Road and McKenzie River Drive. For current information, please see Lane County’s website.
In Linn County, there is a Level 1 (Be Ready) evacuation notice for Highway 126 just north of Ice Cap Campground west to include all of Smith Reservoir (including Lakes End Campground). This extends south between Lakes End Campground and Highway 126 to the McKenzie Bridge/Frissell Boat Launch. For current information, please see Linn County’s website.
Weather: Last night, humidity was high. Lighter winds are expected today with temperatures in the 80s.
Closures: Highway 126 is currently open please monitor Trip Check for updates. Click here for Willamette National Forest closures.
Fire Restrictions: https://www.fs.usda.gov/willamette
Smoke Outlook: https://outlooks.wildlandfiresmoke.net/outlook/4c92bc1a?
Information Line: 541-215-6735 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Email: 2023.lookout@firenet.gov
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LookoutFire2023
Inciweb: https://inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident-information/orwif-lookout-fire
Size: 5,537 acres
Start Date: August 5, 2023
Point of origin: 3 miles North of McKenzie Bridge, OR
Cause: Lightning
Total Personnel: 921
Resources: 46 engines l 20 crews l 9 bulldozers l 16 water tenders l 4 masticators l 6 helicopters
OSFM Resources: 7 task forces