On Friday, cooler weather moderated fire behavior in the timber, but the fire is still actively spreading in the grass. Structure protection preparations are complete along Lostine Road. The OSFM task forces continue to assist with operations on the south side of Double Creek.
Double Creek Fire
The fire’s west side was secured. Upper Imnaha Road from Imnaha to Freezeout Road is in patrol status. The fire continues to actively spread in the dry grass on the north, east, and south sides of the fire.
Firefighters are working in Horse Creek drainage on the north side to secure structures and look for opportunities to build control lines to the east. In addition, riverboats are being used to patrol and assess structure protection needs along the Snake River.
Firefighters continue to protect structures along Upper Imnaha Road on the south side and scout for potential control lines to tie the road to the Snake River to the east.
The OSFM task forces are engaged in structure protection preparations in Imnaha River woods four miles south of the fire’s edge.
Double Creek Fire acres burned: 147,582
Containment: 15%
Personnel assigned: 796
Evacuation info: Wallowa County Sheriff’s Office
Sign up for emergency alerts: member.everbridge.net/964001114619923/login
Double Creek Fire Facebook page
Phone: 541-216-4579
Email: 2022.doublecreek@firenet.gov
Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) Closures: www.tripcheck.com

The fire remains on the east side of the Minam River between the North Minam River and Chaparral Creek. It continues to slowly back toward the river on the southwest side and back toward Bear Creek on the northeast side.
Structure protection preparations are complete along Lostine Road. Work to construct a fuel break between Bear Creek and Lostine continues.
Sturgill Fire acres burned: 19,173
Containment: 0%
Personnel assigned: 58
Phone: 541-216-4579
Email: 2022.doublecreek@firenet.gov
Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) Closures: www.tripcheck.com