Over the past week and a half, the Oregon Office of State Fire Marshal task forces assessed and prepped structures, increased defensible space, conducted burnouts, and provided initial attack on last weekend’s spot fire on Double Creek.
With structures prepped and the weather change, the OSFM task forces and Green Incident Management Team are returning to their home agencies. Thank you to all Wallowa County residents for welcoming our team and structural task forces from across Oregon into your communities.
Double Creek Fire
Yesterday, firefighters completed containment lines around the spot fire on the west side of the Imnaha River. Higher relative humidity, cooler temperatures, and light winds are forecasted for the rest of the week and firefighters feel confident the containment lines will limit further fire growth in that area. Unmanned Aircraft Systems, or drones, and infrared flights flew last night to check for heat around the spot fire.
Firefighters used direct and indirect firefighting tactics to complete a containment line around the spot fire on the west bank of the Imnaha River yesterday. Firefighters and the OSFM worked to complete structure protection in the River Woods subdivision. Firefighters used jetboats on the Snake River to reassess structure protection efforts for values along the west side of the river yesterday and will continue those efforts today.
On the south end of the fire, crews work towards building direct line to the wilderness to stop the fire spread further to the south. Firefighters will assess the containment line around the spot fire and mop up, and assess areas continuing to hold heat near the containment lines. Much of the Imnaha corridor is in patrol status and firefighters remain present to address any threats to existing control features. On the north end, crews continue to strengthen and improve an east-west line using dozers and handlines to minimize fire growth further north.
Weather: Weather conditions moderated on Monday. The wind was light and variable. Relative humidity levels rose throughout the day under mostly overcast conditions. Light winds led to another day of poor smoke dispersion. Dry rain showers moved northeast across the area which contributed to occasional gusts with variable wind directions. There is a chance for showers and thunderstorms today and Wednesday. Light rainfall is expected as these showers and thunderstorms persist throughout the week, though isolated high rain amounts are possible.
Smoke: The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality issued an Air Quality Advisory in effect until 1 p.m. Wednesday for Wallowa County. A smoke outlook for northeast Oregon is available from the wildland fire air quality program. More information can be found at the PurpleAir website.
Evacuations: Level 3 “Go Now” is in effect for Fence Creek north to Dug Bar and Freezeout south to the 39 Road. Level 2 “Get Set” is in effect for lands west of Imnaha River to Bear Gulch Road, south of Highway 350 to the intersection of power lines and Harl Butte Road; Upper and Lower Imnaha Road from Fence Creek to Freezeout; and Lostine River Road from Fir Road south to Two Pan (including all campgrounds and trailheads). Level 1 “Be Ready” is in effect for lands west of Bear Gulch Road, south of Highway 350 to power lines and Harl Butte Road, and Lostine River Road from Highway 82 to Fir Road.
Wallowa Whitman National Forest Temporary Area Closures: The Wallowa Whitman National Forest issued temporary area closures for the Double Creek Fire and Sturgill Fire on Monday.
Closure orders and maps: Wallowa Whitman National Forest Fire Incident Updates
Road Closures: Lostine River Road from Moffitt’s south is closed. Highway 350 (Little Sheep Creek Highway) at mile marker 6.5 is closed because of the following closures: Lower Imnaha Road, Dug Bar Road, Upper Imnaha Road, Hat Point Road, and FS 39 Road from Target Springs Junction to Ollokot Campground [including the Canal Rd (3920) and Lick Creek Road (3925)].
Airspace: Airspace restrictions were issued for Double Creek and Sturgill fires. Temporary Flight Restrictions were updated for Double Creek (TFR 2/5592) and Sturgill (TFR 2/3189) to provide a safe environment for firefighting aircraft operations over the fires. Flight restrictions apply to drones; drones flying in areas of wildfire activity will cause firefighting aircraft to be grounded.
Restrictions: Forest Order #06-16-00-22-04 covers Phase B Fire Restrictions for all national forest system lands in the Wallowa Whitman National Forest, except for the area within a ¼ mile of the Snake River between Hells Canyon Dam, River Mile 247.5, downstream to the Oregon-Washington border at Snake River Mile 176.0, regulated by Forest Order #06-16-04-22-01.
Double Creek Fire acres burned: 155,297
Containment: 15%
Personnel assigned: 861
Evacuation info: Wallowa County Sheriff’s Office
Sign up for emergency alerts: member.everbridge.net/964001114619923/login
Fire Information
Office hours: 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. | Phone: 541-216-4579 | Email: 2022.doublecreek@firenet.gov
InciWeb: nciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/8366/
Facebook: facebook.com/doublecreekfire2022
YouTube: tinyurl.com/Double-Creek-Fire

Sturgill Fire
Rappelers completed structure protection efforts at the Bear Creek Guard Station yesterday and were flown out of the area to assist in other priority areas. Smokejumpers completed structure protection on the Stanley Guard Station and will be flown out as flying conditions improve today. Additional resources, including several hotshot crews and a wildland fire module, will be flown out of the area beginning today. Crews and heavy equipment will remain in the Lostine corridor to continue masticating fuels and creating a shaded fuel break over the next week.
Sturgill Fire acres burned: 19,774
Containment: 0%
Personnel assigned: 78
Fire Information
Office hours: 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. | Phone: 541-216-4579 | Email: 2022.doublecreek@firenet.gov
Sturgill Fire InciWeb: inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/8364/
YouTube: tinyurl.com/Eagle-Cap-Wilderness-Fires