MERLIN, Ore. – Firefighters continue to concentrate on the east side of Rum Creek Fire, focusing on areas of slop-over from Tuesday evening. Yesterday and overnight, crews established new fire lines and cooled its edge, keeping the fire from spreading further east. Fire managers connected new fire lines to previously established lines south toward the Rogue River and conducted a tactical burn.
Today, firefighters will concentrate work in and near the McKnabe Creek drainage. This area, described as steep, deep, and full of snags, was unsafe for night work by firefighters. The fire is burning actively in the McKnabe Creek drainage, and firefighters intend to initiate line construction in this area today. Firefighters and dozers are also working south from Grave Creek, preparing fire lines for a tactical firing in the coming days.

Overnight, firefighters successfully burned a pocket of residual fuel near Ennis Island with no spot fires found south of the Rogue River. This operation helps secure the south edge of the fire.
On the west side, fire personnel are making progress securing the fire’s edge. They extended the tactical firing to the north and south from the west side of Mount Peavine. This connects existing burned areas with established fire lines toward the Rogue River and Bear Gulch. The completed line, when mopped up and secured, is expected to stop fire growth to the west.
Firefighters, working with the OSFM in residential areas, continue to assist with active fire suppression as needed. They extinguished nearly all residual heat within 200 feet of buildings in and around Galice. More structural resources are shifting east of the fire to assess structures and conduct pre-planning and structure preparation in case the fire pushes in that direction.

After the inversion lifts today, the fire is expected to actively burn because of high temperatures and low relative humidity. On Friday afternoon or evening, a dry cold front will move through the area. While this will bring slightly cooler temperatures, the front is also expected to bring gusty winds from the northwest. Fire personnel will monitor the weather closely and watching for wind-driven flare-ups.
Evacuations: At noon on Wednesday, Aug 31, Josephine County Sheriff’s Office issued a Level 1 – Be Ready notification to the area north of Copper Queen Road and 2000 block of Dog Creek Road, south of Rattlesnake Road and Tunnel Creek, east of Brimstone Road, Lower Grave Creek Road, and Joe Count west of I-5. All other evacuation orders and notifications remain in place. An interactive map showing evacuation levels according to address can be found at For current evacuation information and resources, go to Josephine County Incident Information (
Road control: Josephine County Sheriff’s Office established traffic access points around the fire zone. Only residents (must show proof of residency) and river permit holders will be allowed through. Road blocks will be located at Galice Road near Crow Road; Galice Store; Bear Camp Road at Peavine (top intersection); Lower Grave Creek Road at Angora Creek (Grays Ranch); Quartz Creek Road about three miles up (end of county maintenance); Dutch Henry Road near Kelsey Creek (42 44’56.2/123 40’35.4); and Hog Creek at Galice Road. National Guard is staffing the roadblocks.
River Status: The wild section of the Rogue River below Grave Creek will remain open unless fire conditions warrant closure. River status is determined on a day-to-day basis. River status is updated daily on the Rum Creek Fire Facebook page. Please call 541-474-6535 for more information regarding Rogue River permits. No new boating permits will be issued until fire closures are lifted.